Sunday, April 15, 2012

Term 2, Weekly Post 1

Hello again everyone,

I honestly can’t believe how quickly the Easter holidays went.  It was as if yesterday was the last day of school.  But I am so happy that I could get a break to relax and not stress out about anything.  

So I had a great holiday, I was so happy that it was the holidays.  I just couldn’t wait to relax after a long term.  The first week felt great I just stayed at home and watched some TV, I also had to work on Sunday and Wednesday afternoon.  I also went to the beach with my dad and sister, I still took my dog for a walk every afternoon and he was so happy.  I also had my Easter with my family a couple days early because my sister and I had to work on the Easter Sunday.

On the second week I went shopping with some of my friends, one of the people who came was Samantha, who has made her own blog.  You can visit her blog at it has a lot of great drawings she has done and some instructions on how to draw them.  I also went shopping with my sister, and I still took the dog for a walk every afternoon.

I hope this long 11 week term goes by quite quickly.  It's great I get to see all of my friends again.

Pictures are on their way :)

Please feel free to comment what you did on your Easter break, any questions, or even something you would want me to try, like me learning to surf or something.