Monday, May 28, 2012

Give Away.....

Hello there,

Ok so if you have kept up to date with my blog and read some of the weekly posts, you would probably know by now that I love the beach and I love skating.  But most of all I love skating along the beach.

So this week I have decided to do a give-away on........
a couple of skateboard stickers and a painting of the beach.

Now, if you are interested in these prizes or haven't won something and just want to enter for the heck of it, here's how to enter...

There's only one small thing to do and that is to type your name or nickname below, that won't be used again by someone else.

You can only enter your name once

I will be writing all of your names that you have commented below, and put them in a hat.  Then in about 2 weeks time I will be declaring the winner in my weekly posts page.

Good Luck all and this won't be a prize you want to miss out on :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

How to be more organised.

Ok so hello once again everyone,

This weeks how to is about being more organised.  You don't need much at all except being persistence.
Being more organised is great because it means you don't have to waste valuable time searching for things, everything is a lot easier and you can also have a certain time ding something, for example doing a study timetable to be the best you can at school.  I may sound like a nerdish person when I say this, but if you are getting top grades at school, then you will have a great job in the future and get good money.
Ok so here's what to do:

Step 1:
Have a clean and tidy room.  This sounds kinda weird but it really helps, because you can see things a lot easier.

Step 2:
If you have a desk, make sure it is all organised by having pens, pencils, highlighters, rulers etc.  This will help when you are doing you study.

Step 3:
If you are still in school have a study timetable, this helps you have a set time that you would like to study for one subject, and then move onto the next.  A study timetable can vary on how many subjects you have, or how long you would like to spend on a subject.

Step 4:
Plan for the future.  Before you go to bed plan for tomorrow, by setting out which clothes you would like to wear, or what books you are going to take.  This also helps save some time.

I hope you like this how to post and I hope it helps :)

Term 2, Weekly Posts 6


This week has been pretty good, still quite chilly.  I have been shopping to try and sort of re-decorate my room, and so far all I have is a new bed spread which looks pretty cool.  My room is so very clean and I hope to keep it that way haha.  I am riding up on my new globe bantham to the local shops to see what I can find only using $26.  Might be a struggle for me because I am a very fussy shopper and it takes me a while to chose something I am happy with.

I have also made up a study timetable to help me achieve a grades I would be happy with.  I am also going to put up a give-away so make sure you are regulary visiting my blog to see what it is.

I am really looking forward to what I am doing in art because it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun.  We are doing a portrait on the back of a plain skateboard deck and I will put up some pictures when I have finished it which sould be in a couple of weeks.

I have also attempted to draw a self portrait of myself using a light and dark blue pencil.  I cant wait to see what my room would look like once I have finished re-decorating it, i'll be sure to put up some pictures.
I have also lost a bit of weight in just a couple of days, due to being too busy to eat and continuing my jogging.  I highly suggest that you eat whenever you can but dont eat too much junk food.

If you have anything you would like to ask me feel free to comment bellow, make sure you are staying around to see what the give-away is.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sam's Blog :)

Today one of my favourite blogs I liked is called Learning To Draw with Sam. 

This blog is great because she teaches you to draw some fabulous objects and animated characters you see from tv. 

She can teach you to draw things like Mickey Mouse, Pikachu's Face, a flower, Homer Simpson, Bart Simpson a palm tree and a few other awesome things.  She also puts up some weekly posts, Blog reviews and product reviews.

The reason I like her blog is because it is very well set out and she is an amazing drawer.  Here are a couple of pictures I got from her blog which she can teach you to draw:

Pikachu's Face

Bart Simpson

A Flower

Palm Tree

Homer Simpson

Mickey Mouse

 I have also added up a button you can click on the side to visit her blog -------->

Or her link is :

Chia Seeds

Hello once again,

Today i am writing about Chia Seeds.  Most of you may not know what they are, but i use them along with my mum and dad.  They are great stuff for multiple number of things:
  • Weight loss without starving yourself
  • Gives you a balanced blood sugar
  • Adds healthy omega-3 oil in your diet
  • Keeps you energized all day
  • Bake foods with less fat
  • Age-Defying anti-oxidents
  • Cuts the cravings of food
  • And many, many more
I get my chia seeds from my local health shop, and the great thing about it is, chia seeds have no flavour at all so you can put it in any foods or drinks and not be able to taste it.  I have mine on my breakfast, sometimes sandwiches and other things.

This is the packet of which my chia seeds come in :)

Please take the time to try these awesome seeds, they dont cost much and can really help :D  You can get them from your local natural food shop 

(These images are from  and )

Term 2, Weekly posts 5

hello once again :)

This week has been quite chilly still and there is no swell at all which kinda sucks because one of my goals this year was to learn how to surf.  If you have any tips on how to surf for a beginner please, please comment below.  The other couple of goals I had was mainly to do with schooling.
I have had a pretty good week, got my haircut at a tiny shopping centre.  Then I found out that a couple of the shops there had been robbed 2 days after my haircut.

My dog, Cody is still a happy and healthy lab.  Had a pretty busy weekend, collecting money for the red shield appeal and then coming home to see that my totally awesome mum has cleaned my room haha, then on Sunday I had a very busy but very slow day at work, if that makes sense.  I have also written up a small timetable of what I will do in the afternoons, which should help me become better organised and tidy, because I am a very messy person.

Still learning to speak Japanese, so far I have learnt to say :

こにちは はじめまして。 私 は カイシー ともうします。

This short sentence means hello nice to meet you.  My name is Casey.  I can also say a few other phrases but i am still learning :)
I am looking forward to my Japanese trip, I think it will be very exciting but scary because I haven't been so far away from my family.

OK well I will talk to you next week, have a great week everyone

(Credit goes to for the salvation army logo pic)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Term 2, Weekly Posts 4


This week we had cross country, and I was very happy when I found out that I came first and aged champion out of the girls.  I also came 3rd out of my whole grade, so I beat everyone except 2 guys.  All of that hard work payed off :) 

I also went to zones which is where I compete with other schools who also placed at their cross countries.  It was another 4km I had to do in  one week, this time it was a lot harder and I was competeing against about 52 very fast girls.  I came about 40th but I was still sort of happy with that, because I normally come last with those kind of things.  Next year if I do go to zones I would really like to train twice as hard so I can do better. 

I have also bought my globe bantham so I am really happy about that :)  it is very colourful, and has a yellow deck, red and blue trucks and orange, blue, purple and green wheels.  It is fun to ride and also to go down hills on.

I bought heaps of stuff for mum on mothers day and I think she was happy with it, I think I had more fun shopping for the stuff haha.

Again if you have any comments or questions you would like to ask me feel free to use the comment box below


Term 2, Weekly Posts 3

Hello again everyone :)

This week has been a pretty fun week.  I am still trying to train hard for the cross country which i found out is next week, it was suppose to be this week but it got put off because of the rainy weather. 
It is a long and hard 4km but I think it would be challenging and fun, just means i get a bit more time of training.  We are having the cross country at a race course, and when I told my mum about this she said to just jump on one of the horses haha. 
(I also ride and adore horses and ponies) 

I am currently learning to speak japanese for my interesting trip in September. 

My dog Cody still loves his walks and is still getting very excited when I go in the garage to get his lead.  He is about 4 or 5 years old now so his still a young pup.  My parrots are also starting to get along which is good and both my cats, budgie and snake just laze about all day.  In my household the cats and dog is afraid of the two parrots.

I am still working and saving up for my Globe Bantham, which I will be able to get next week hopefully.  This sky is clearing up and the sun is shining, but it is still soooo cold.  It is Autumn now and I think it is kind of funny how it's colder than what winter was. 

Again if you would like to leave a comment or even ask me a question feel free to use the comment box below.

Casey :)

Term 2, Weekly Posts 2

Heey Guys,

This week I have been training really hard for the cross country, it is coming closer and closer.  It is in about 3 weeks and I am really excited :)
I am also taking the dog for longer walks and he is really enjoying it.  I am also saving up for a new skateboard, it is a globe bantham, but it has the same sort of shape as a penny board. Hopefully it won't take too long, its about $150 so it might just take a couple of weeks.  I am also saving up for my trip to Japan, which I am doing with my school in September and I am also having my birthday there.  I am a little nervous about it, but I think it will be fun, it goes for 11 days.
It is getting colder up on the coast, but sometimes the weather is quite nice.  I have decided to wait until the weather gets a bit warmer to learn how to surf.
I also am enjoying school but also already hope the term goes pretty quickly haha.
I have uploaded a button on the side, so if you want it to share on your blog it would be muchly appreciated ---------->
I hope everything is great and if you would like to ask me some questions or comment anything, please feel free to comment below

Casey :)